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The Inner Circle is for male entrepreneurs and business owners who are looking for more mastery, meaning and fulfilment in life, love and business.    

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Stop Drifting, Start Shifting 

The goal of the 'Inner Circle'? To stop you from screwing up your relationship and create a life that gives you the freedom to live on your terms. No more giving your partner and the important areas of your life breadcrumbs—they don’t deserve that sh*t, and neither do you.

This is the ultimate program for male entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready to stop f*cking things up. I’m pulling together a small group of experts to help you rebuild your life (and relationship) through 1:1 coaching, accountability, a solid support group, and a custom game plan that’s tailored for you.

Master Yourself, Master Your Life 

The Inner Circle is for men who are done with sitting in the passenger seat and are ready to take full control. Whether you’re stuck in your career, disconnected in your relationships, or know deep down you’re capable of so much more, this is your path to reclaiming your power, smashing your goals, and living with purpose, freedom, and fulfilment.

Elevate Your Standards

Join an elite community of driven men—your personal advisory board—designed to help you crush it both personally and professionally. Surround yourself with high-performing men who are as hungry for transformation as you are.

Surround Yourself with the Right People

Get exclusive training from me and my team, weekly check-ins with your accountability partner, and stay on track to close the gap between where you are and where you know you want to be.

Are You Ready To Go All In?

If you’re ready to stop coasting, unleash your full potential, and experience next-level momentum in your life and relationships, then it’s time to join the Inner Circle.

Let’s build the life you deserve.

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The Six Pillars of the Inner Circle


Create a meaningful career that gives you the freedom and flexibility to do life on your terms.


Achieve financial freedom by making more meaningful money doing what you love. 


Surround yourself with a community of energising and inspiring men who challenge and support you.   


Use the relationship toolkit to build the dream relationship and partnership with your women.


Unlock the full potential of your mind and tap into a peak performance with a holistic approach that includes your fitness, nutrition and sleep.


Continue on your journey of personal growth and evolution fuelled by your individual values, passions and hobbies. 

The Inner Circle is carefully curated.

Here is what we are looking for.

The Inner Circle IS FOR:

✔ High achievers who have reached high levels but know there is still more:

The 'Inner Circle' will help you level up in all the key areas —business, relationships, health, and fitness. It’s for those who want to master themselves and hit their goals.

✔ Seeking more meaning & purpose in their careers: 

Whether you're growing your business or starting one, the Inner Circle gets it. We know how important it is to build a career that not only brings in profits but also gives you a sense of purpose and fulfilment.  

✔ Want more time, freedom & balance? 

The Inner Circle is for those who are done with the grind and ready to live life on their terms. It's for the guys who want a real work/life balance and the freedom to do what they want, when they want, how they want, and with who they want.

✔ Wanting to take their intimate relationship to the next level:

The Inner Circle is the mastermind to help you level up your relationship. It’s the space where you’ll develop the toolkit you need to reignite, rebuild, and take your relationship to a place you and your partner have never been. 

✔ Want to surround themselves with like-minded men:

Whether it’s business, relationships, self-improvement, or personal development, it can be a lonely road. The inner circle will have you surrounded by like-minded men who are all aiming to create their life by design and be better.

The Inner Circle ISN'T FOR:

✘ Mental masturbators:

If you are here just to take the information and not the implementation you are in the wrong place my friend. This is a place to get shit done.

✘ Blamers, Complainers, and Excuse Makers: 

If you often blame external factors or make excuses for your lack of progress, rather than taking personal responsibility and finding ways to overcome obstacles, this mastermind isn’t for you.  

✘ Quick Fixers: 

If you’re looking for quick fixes or short-term solutions rather than long-term growth and development, this program won't meet your needs. While I will help you collapse time from where you are to where you want to be - this isn't for those looking for the quick hit..

✘ Ok with mediocre: 

If you’re okay with being okay and living an okay life, my friend, this isn’t the best fit for you. Those in LBD want more and are prepared to do what the majority won’t in order to get what the majority can’t. 

Whats Inside
The Inner Circle

1:1 Strategy Session

with me, Blake, to create your personalized roadmap and have you laser focused on your goals. 

Valued at $450

Direct Access To Expert

In the mastermind, you’ll get access to my personal coaches and mentors to help you reach your goals FAST.

Valued at $12,000

Fortnightly Check Ins

Check in every 2 weeks with men who will support and challenge you where you need accountability.

Valued at $2,500

The 'Inner Circle' Library

Get instant access to over 100 workshops and masterclasses with the tips, tricks and tools to help you create your life by design. 

Valued at $12,000

Fortnightly Workshop

To give you all the tools and insights you need to create a life with more mastery, meaning and fulfilment in life, love and business. 

Valued at $7,500

6 Week Game Plans

Every 6 weeks we’ll create your custom 6-week plan to get you the results while cutting out the shit that’s holding you back.

Valued at $4,000

Join The High Performance Mastermind For

$250 Per Week

Price in AUD


Why I Created the Inner Circle? 

I created the Inner Circle for the former version of me. 

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Matt Schmidt

"Since working with Blake over the last 6 months I’ve learnt the skills to apply to my life such as self awareness, self discipline, resilience, grit, determination, accountability through daily and weekly challenges from a genuine down to earth human being whose been through the fire and come out the other side better for it."

Paul Robinson

"I found Blake through a highly respected friend who had experienced life-changing results after working with him for 12 months. The Life by Design program has profoundly changed my life. For the first time, I wake up eager to tackle the day, benefiting not just me but also those I cherish most. Trust Blake, trust yourself, and trust the process. This is the best investment you can make in yourself."

Evan Spargo

"My experience with Blake has been transformational. I've gained a deeper understanding of myself, especially my shadow side, and experienced personal healing through exploration and sharing. I now have a renewed confidence to be unapologetically me, equipped with tools and resources to grow into my best self. Connecting with like-minded people has been incredible."

Liam O'Donnell

"There are a few people that I look to for advice, information and impact in my world... I look to Tom Bilyeu, Aubrey Marcus and I look to Blake. When you have a conversation with him, he is able to read between the lines, address the core issue and blocks and completely eliminate them."

Dean Skordas

"In just four months of mentoring with Blake, every facet of my life has significantly improved. Prior to that, I spent many years consuming knowledge yet struggled to see any sign of noticeable improvement. The difference with Blake is that not only does he provide content that radically deepens your awareness but most importantly he supplies you with the tools necessary to implement these learnings into your everyday life. I can say without a doubt that the progress I have made in such a short period of time would just not have been possible without him.."

Luke Dillon

After working with Blake, I felt a massive weight lift. I came in to tackle 20 years of unhealthy addictions but quickly realized the deeper toll they'd taken on my body and mind.

The breakthroughs were huge. I discovered the stress and anger I’d been carrying for years. Since then, I’ve slowed down, opened up to love and joy, and found closure with key relationships from my past.

This work was a total reset, helping me break long-standing habits and giving me a new mindset to move forward with." 


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